Procurement affects and is affected by the public sector organization as a whole, and the community it serves, whether at the local, state, or national level. Therefore, participation in the collaborative development and adoption of Public Procurement Values and Guiding Principles by all stakeholders is desired. As a way to show support for this collaborative initiative, professional organizations may join as a Supporting Organization. There is no time or financial commitment to becoming a Supporting organization. It simply means that the organization supports NIGP’s collaborative efforts to develop public procurement values, principles, and standards of practice. If the organization can share the word about the project with its members, that would be very valuable.

For more information, or to be added as a Supporting Organization, please contact Tina M. Borger, CPPO, Research Director for NIGP at




Upholding high standards of job performance and ethical behavior.  This value is essential to balance diverse public interests.


1. Be led by those with education, experience, and professional certification in public procurement.
2. Continually contribute value to the organization.
3. Continually develop as a profession through education, mentorship, innovation, and partnerships.
4. Develop, support, and promote the highest professional standards in order to serve the public good.
5. Seek continuous improvement through on-going training, education, and skill enhancement.


  1. Mike Bliss, CPPBMay 12, 2010

    I would eliminate #1 which appears to self serving. And change #5 to read "Seek continuous improvement through on-going training, education and professional certification."

  2. I would advocate keeping #1. If necessary, re-word it to make clear that professional certification can come from several sources including NIGP.

    In my experience a lack of professionalism in many operations is an issue. Proficiency in knowledge and skills is important in any profession. Too often public procurement operations have been staffed by those less than proficient.

    I concur on the recommendation to add "education" to #5.

  3. Darren MuciMay 12, 2010

    I agree with Mike regarding the elimination of No. 1. We don't get to choose our bosses, or decide who decide whom our bosses will select to be the boss. But we DO get to choose how we will manage ourselves.

  4. Susan M.May 12, 2010

    I'm not sure if my comment belongs here or in Accountability: it is critical for Public Procurement to take the lead in training others outside the organization in the most current Procurement best methods, current law and practices. Many entities delegate purchasing authority and with that delegation comes a responsibility for oversite and training of those not directly in our field. Where should this be addressed? I'm pretty sure it's a universal need.

  5. AnonymousMay 12, 2010

    Just an observation about the comment from tmckee, May 12, 2010:

    NIGP is not the certifying body, the certifying body is the UPPCC which is an independent not-for-profit organization. NIGP provides the educational component that will help candidates obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in obtaining certification.

  6. AnonymousMay 12, 2010

    In my 21 years of experience a lack of professionalism & actual basic procurement knowledge is lacking greatly in many governmental operations. Proficiency in knowledge and skills is important in any profession. Too often public procurement operations have been staffed by those less than proficient.

  7. AnonymousMay 12, 2010

    ps - and especially unfortunately in the management area of governmental procurement - and that is never a workable scenario when you know more than who is placed over you. . .

  8. AnonymousMay 12, 2010

    pss - at least when the manager always interprets you as a threat, due to no fault of your own but due to their own insecurities, vs viewing the knowleadgeable employee as an asset to the governmental agency!

  9. Managing procurements professionally is not demonstrated through certification, but in the way that behave towards other.
    Part of professionalism is also the ability to treat all participants in the procurement process with respect and dignity.

    Eduction and certification are important in developing skills, and promting professionalism. The references to this should be their own bullet point.

  10. I believe "experience" needs to be added to No. 1.

  11. I think that Guiding Principle #1 could be a valid addition if re-worded. I may be wrong, but I think that it was aiming to say that as we seek guidance, progress within the field, promote and/or guide others that we ensure that we and those we acknowledge as leaders in the field actively keep up-to-date on the changes within the industry.

    Experience is insufficient if it is not tempered with/accompanied by continued curiosity and a will to be innovative. To gain professional certification you must have experience, but most importantly to maintain a professional certification you must update and re-certify your knowledge even as you gain more experience.

    Amanda Phillips, CPPB, JD

  12. I'm not sure of the drafters' intent behind #1, but here is a vote to keep it, for the following purpose. I know about several gov't agencies that had procurement managed directly by someone who was not trained in procurement, and it was never a good thing. Wouldn't it be useful to have a professional association make a definite recommendation (directed at executive management) that procurement be managed directly only by people who are trained in procurement?

    Jon Walton, J.D., CPPB
    State of Oregon

  13. AnonymousMay 18, 2010

    Concur with Jon above on #1 -- Procurement Manager's should all be required to have certification, as their staff does! :) Even with a college degree, how else do they qualify for these positions ???

  14. I agree with what Mike said on #5 and can see what he and others mean when suggesting deleting #1.

    I think #1 could be re-worded to make it more clear that the procurement depart be managed by.... since we cannot pick our managers. Maybe this would help with Joh's point.

  15. to avoid corruption on process of public procurement
